キャラクター情報 2024.07.25

「10th Year Memories of 麦わらの一味 スゴフェス!!ジンベエ編」新キャラ性能紹介

ジンベエ Memories of 麦わらの一味









Jinbe – Memories of Straw Hat Pirates

Key Points!
Special charge time is reduced by Super Class Powerhouse, Crewmate Ability, or Captain Ability!
When a specific effect is applied to the crew for three turns or more, use HP to enhance some damage-boosting effects!

QCK/Powerhouse&Free Spirit

Remembering the Fellow Crewmates

– Reduces ship’s Special charge time by 10 turns
– Reduces damage taken by 90% for 1 turn
– Reduces all enemies’ Damage Reduction duration by 7 turns
– Applies Weakened status (increase damage taken by 1.5x for all enemies, damage further increased by 1.25x if enemy has Damage Reduction Over Certain Amount) to all enemies for 2 turns
– If crew has Damage Reduction, Damage Reduction Over Certain Amount, Tap Timing Bonus Damage Boost or slot ATK multiplier modifying effects with a duration of 3 turns or longer when Special is launched, allows you to select up to 3 damage boosting effects placed on the crew to boost further (+0.3 to ATK Up, Slot Effect Boosts,Type Effects Boosts, Set Chain Multiplier and damage dealing, +0.7 to chain multiplier boost (additive), +0.2 to Chain Multiplier Growth Rate Alterating Effect, +500 to Base ATK Boost. 33% of crew’s maximum HP will be used for each effect chosen: in the case HP would be reduced to 0, 1 HP will remain if HP is not high enough, the number of effects that can be chosen will be reduced)
– Allows crew’s multiplicative chain multiplier boost (except additive boosts) to be further increased up to 2 times
– If “Remembering the Fellow Crewmates” was used in this turn, further increases crew’s multiplicative chain multiplier boost (except additive boosts) by +0.25 and further increases all enemies’ Increased Damage Taken by +0.5

Super Tandem(Lv.5)
– Reduces all enemies’ damage reduction (except Reduce Damage Over Certain Amount) duration by 3 turns
– Applies ATK Boost (Tandem) of 2x to QCK, Powerhouse, and Free Spirit characters for 1 turn

Other Key Points
– Changes Powerhouse characters to Super Powerhouse
– At the time of Super Class, reduces character’s Special charge time by 10 turns, extends the duration of crew’s damage reduction by 2 turns, boosts the chain multiplier by 1.5x for 2 turns
– Reduces crew’s Special charge time by 1 turn at start of quest
– Boosts QCK, Powerhouse, and Free Spirit characters’ ATK by 5.75x if HP is 50% or below before attacking (5.5x otherwise), boosts their HP by 1.5x
– Makes their [QCK][TND] slots have matching slot effects
– Reduces damage taken by 20%
– Boosts crew’s chance of landing on [TND] slots
– Reduces crew’s Special Bind duration by 10 turns
– Reduces character’s Special charge time by 2 turns at start of crew’s next turn after receiving damage
– Crewmate Ability reduces character’s Special charge time by 10 turns every time a QCK, Powerhouse, or Free Spirit Captain uses a Special (can be activated once per Quest)

*This content is still under development and is subject to change.
Please check in-game after this character has been added.
