キャラクター情報 2024.08.10

「激突!激熱!超激戦!VS超スゴフェス!! 鬼ヶ島の戦い」新キャラ性能紹介

ルフィVSカイドウ ワノ国の行く末











・速属性の仲間の攻撃アップ Lv.6(25秒)、必殺CTのたまる速度アップ Lv.3!(25秒)

・速属性の仲間の体力アップ Lv.6、速度アップ Lv.6、防御アップ Lv.3!
・残り時間が50秒より多い時、一味の攻撃アップ Lv.6、防御アップ Lv.3!
・残り時間が50秒以下の時、自分の攻撃アップ Lv.8、防御アップ Lv.8、必殺CTのたまる速度アップ Lv.5!

・技・速属性と自由・格闘タイプの仲間の攻撃、速度アップ Lv.7!(20秒)

・技・速属性の仲間の攻撃、体力アップ Lv.6、必殺CTのたまる速度アップ Lv.3!
・自由・格闘タイプの仲間の速度、防御アップ Lv.6、体力アップ Lv.4!




「“大威徳 雷鳴八卦”」







・技属性の仲間の攻撃アップ Lv.6(25秒)、必殺CTのたまる速度アップ Lv.3!(25秒)

・技属性の仲間の体力アップ Lv.6、速度アップ Lv.6、防御アップ Lv.3!
・残り時間が50秒より多い時、一味の攻撃アップ Lv.6、防御アップ Lv.3!
・残り時間が50秒以下の時、自分の攻撃アップ Lv.8、防御アップ Lv.8、必殺CTのたまる速度アップ Lv.5!

・技・速属性と野心・強靭タイプの仲間の攻撃、速度アップ Lv.7!(20秒)

・技・速属性の仲間の攻撃、体力アップ Lv.6、必殺CTのたまる速度アップ Lv.3!
・野心・強靭タイプの仲間の速度、防御アップ Lv.6、体力アップ Lv.4!

ヤマト from ONE PIECE magazine ワノ国一番の花魁








・連続攻撃をするたびチェインが上昇し最終攻撃時に自由と博識タイプキャラの攻撃を上昇する!(最大でチェイン係数+0.8 ラッシュ攻撃上昇2.0倍)



・大範囲の敵の攻撃ダウン Lv.15(20秒)、速度ダウン Lv.15(20秒)、防御ダウン Lv.15!(20秒)

・知属性と博識タイプの仲間の体力アップ Lv.6、攻撃アップ Lv.6、速度アップ Lv.6、防御アップ Lv.6!


・博識タイプの仲間の攻撃、体力アップ Lv.7、必殺CTのたまる速度アップ Lv.3!
・技・知属性の仲間の体力、速度アップ Lv.6、防御アップ Lv.3!

モモの助&錦えもん&傳ジロー 返り花咲く物語











・大範囲の仲間の攻撃アップ Lv.6!(20秒)

・力属性と自由タイプの仲間の体力アップ Lv.5、速度アップ Lv.5!
・力属性の仲間の防御アップ Lv.3、自由タイプの仲間の防御アップ Lv.3!


・一味の攻撃アップ Lv.3、体力、速度アップ Lv.3!



Luffy VS Kaido – Fate of the Land of Wano

【Monkey D. Luffy】

Key Points!
A Special with a new effect that applies “Territory: Free Spirit class” to the field!
Having more Free Spirit characters will boost your crew’s ATK and increase damage from Action Specials!

QCK/Free Spirit&Fighter

Gum-Gum Lightning

– Has Action Special
– Applies “Territory: Free Spirit class” to the field (boosts crew’s ATK up to 1.5x and reduces damage taken up to 25% based on number of characters matching the territory) for 3 turns
– Reduces crew’s ATK Down duration by 10 turns
– Boosts damage dealt to enemies with increase damage taken or DEF Down up to 3x based on outcome of Action Special (2.5x for MISS, 2.7x for GOOD, 2.8x for GREAT, 2.9x for PERFECT, 3.0 for EXCELLENT) for 2 turns
– If crew has ATK Boost, slot effects boost, and lock chain multiplier effect at the same time when Special is launched, extends the duration of crew’s ATK and slot effect boosts and lock chain multiplier effect by 2 turns
– Sets the chain multiplier’s minimum value at 3.0 and maximum value at 35.0 for 1 turn
– If 6 Free Spirit characters are on the crew, further increases crew’s damage dealt to enemies with a specific status effect boost and lock chain multiplier effect by +0.25 (effect applies to damage dealt to enemies with a specific status effect boost and lock chain multiplier effect from this Special)

Captain Ability
Unpredictable Powers

– Boosts crew’s ATK by up to approximately 6x based on number of Free Spirit characters on the crew (minimum 5x)
– Boosts crew’s HP by 1.3x
– Makes crew’s [QCK][RCV] slots have matching slot effects
– If 4 or more Free Spirit characters are on the crew, reduces crew’s Burn/Bind duration by 10 turns, if crew’s uses a Special to boost ATK, adds +0.25 to the boost (stackable with other further raising effects)
– If 6 Free Spirit characters’ are on the crew and crew uses Specials to reduce or remove enemies’ Resilience, damage reduction, damage reduction over certain amount, or DEF Up duration, adds 1 turn to the duration reduction
– If 6 Free Spirit characters are on the crew and the field has “Territory: Free Spirit class”, boosts Free Spirit characters’ ATK by approximately 6.5x
– If character is Captain (Friend/Helper Captain does not apply), and scores an EXCELLENT for the Action Special, for 3 turns when crew uses a Special to boost slot effects, adds +0.25 to the boost (stackable with other further raising effects), and changes the effect of “if crew uses Specials to reduce or remove enemies’ Resilience, damage reduction, damage reduction over certain amount, or DEF Up duration, adds 1 turn to the duration reduction” to 2 turns reduction

Crewmate Ability
– Boosts Free Spirit characters’ base ATK by 1.1x
– Boosts Free Spirit and Driven characters’ base stats by 150, makes Free Spirit characters’ [QCK][RCV] slots have matching slot effects, and makes Driven characters’ [DEX][TND] slots have matching slot effects

Final Tap Sugo Special(Lv.5)
– Changes character’s slot (including [BLOCK] slot) to [WANO] (boosts ATK by 2.5x; cannot be changed by crew or enemies; ignoring inability to change [S. BLOCK] slots)
– Adds 1.0x of damage dealt by normal attacks of other Free Spirit characters this turn on top of the final damage

VS Effect
– Increases all enemies’ damage taken by 1.75x for 1 turn ignoring immunity to status effects
– Further increases crew’s base ATK boost by 1.2x (up to 4.5x)

Rumble Special(Lv.10)
– Targets QCK-type teammates for ATK Up Lv.6 (25 s), Special CT Speed Up Lv.3 (25 s)
– Targets 3 enemies with high current HP ignoring DEF for ATK x 1.2 damage 2 times
– When remaining time is more than 50 s, targets 1 QCK-type teammate (not including self) with low current Special CT for Special CT 50% reduction
– When remaining time is less than 50 s, targets QCK-type teammates for 50% chance of Haste

Rumble Ability (Lv.5)
– QCK-type teammates HP Up Lv.6, SPD Up Lv.6, DEF Up Lv.3
– When remaining time is more than 50 s, team ATK Up Lv.6, DEF Up Lv.3
– When remaining time is less than 50 s, self ATK Up Lv.8, DEF Up Lv.8, Special CT Speed Up Lv.5

GP Burst (Lv5)
– Targets DEX/QCK-type/Free Spirit/Fighter class teammates for ATK, SPD Up Lv.7 (20 s)
– Targets DEX/QCK-type teammates for 50% chance of Haste
– Targets 3 enemies with high current HP ignoring DEF for Leader base ATK x 2.5 damage

GP Leader (Lv5)
– DEX/QCK-type teammates ATK, HP Up Lv.6, Special CT Speed Up Lv.3
– Free Spirit/Fighter class teammates SPD, DEF Up Lv.6, HP Up Lv.4


Key Points!
Boosts the ATK of Driven characters with a Special or Captain Ability!
If 6 Driven characters are on the crew, you can ignore certain immunities to status effects when inflicting status effects on enemies!


Destroyer of Death Thunder Bagua

– Reduces all enemies’ HP by 10%
– Changes right column slots (including [BLOCK] slots) to [TND], changes left column slots (including [BLOCK] slots) to [WANO] (boosts ATK by 2.5x; cannot be changed by crew or enemies)
– Increases crew’s ATK boost to 3.5x
– Boosts Driven characters’ ATK for 1 turn based on number of status effects applied on enemy when Special is launched (3x for 0 effects, 3.25x for 1-3 effects, 3.5x for 4-6 effects, 3.75x for 7-9 effects, 4x for 10 or more effects)
– If 6 Driven characters are on the crew, reduces all enemies’ damage reduction over certain amount and damage reduction duration by 10 turns, and applies increase damage taken status to all enemies by 2.25x for 1 turn ignoring immunity to status effects (reduces all enemies’ certain amount and damage reduction and damage reduction duration by 6 turns, and applies increase damage taken status to all enemies by 2x for 1 turn otherwise)

Captain Ability
Overwhelming Haki

– Boosts crew’s ATK by up to approximately 6x based on number of Driven characters on the crew (minimum 5x)
– Boosts crew’s HP by 1.3x
– Makes crew’s [TND] slots have matching slot effects
– If 4 or more Driven characters are on the crew, reduces crew’s Special Reverse/Paralysis duration by 10 turns, if crew’s uses a Special to inflict increase damage taken on enemies, adds +0.5 to the boost (stackable with other further raising effects)
– If 6 Driven characters are on the crew, allows crew’s Specials with the effect “immunity to certain status effects” to ignore all status effects (applies to DEF Down, Paralysis, Ignited, Delay, Negative, Poison, Venom, progressive Poison, increase damage taken, Weakened, ATK Down)
– If 6 Driven characters are on the crew and enemy has 10 or more status effects, boosts Driven characters’ ATK by approximately 6.5x
– Adds the following to the Captain Ability for 3 turns: Deals 500x character’s ATK in DEX damage to all enemies at end of turn

Crewmate Ability
– Boosts Driven characters’ base ATK by 1.1x
– Boosts Free Spirit and Driven characters’ base stats by 150, makes Free Spirit characters’ [QCK][RCV] slots have matching slot effects, and makes Driven characters’ [DEX][TND] slots have matching slot effects

Super Tandem(Lv.5)
– Changes Captain’s slot (including [BLOCK] slot) to [WANO] (boosts ATK by 2.5x; cannot be changed by crew or enemies; ignoring inability to change [S. BLOCK] slots)
– Applies ATK Boost (Tandem) of 2.5x to Driven characters for 1 turn
– Changes crew’s ATK multiplier of [RCV][WANO][TND] slots to 2.75x when slots match (normally 2.0x when matching; 2.5x for [WANO] slots) 0.5x when unfavorable, 1.0x otherwise) for 1 turn

VS Effect
– Applies -30% Driven Resistance and -10% Powerhouse Resistance to all enemies for 1 turn (“VS Effects cannot be removed by the enemy” does not apply to Resistance reducing effects)
– Further increases crew’s slot effect boost by 1.2x (up to 4.5x)

Rumble Special(Lv.10)
– Targets DEX-type teammates for ATK Up Lv.6 (25 s), Special CT Speed Up Lv.3 (25 s)
– Targets 3 enemies with high current HP ignoring DEF for ATK x 1.2 damage 2 times
– When remaining time is more than 50 s, targets enemies within large range for 60% chance of Paralysis (15 s)
– When remaining time is less than 50 s, targets enemies within large range for ATK x 3 damage

Rumble Ability (Lv.5)
– DEX-type teammates HP Up Lv.6, SPD Up Lv.6, DEF Up Lv.3
– When remaining time is more than 50 s, team ATK Up Lv.6, DEF Up Lv.3
– When remaining time is less than 50 s, self ATK Up Lv.8, DEF Up Lv.8, Special CT Speed Up Lv.5

GP Burst (Lv5)
– Targets DEX/QCK-type/Driven/Powerhouse class teammates for ATK, SPD Up Lv.7 (20 s)
– Targets 2 enemies with 99% or more Special CT for 100% chance of Forced Out (10 s)
– Targets 3 enemies with high current HP ignoring DEF for Leader base ATK x 2.5 damage

GP Leader (Lv5)
– DEX/QCK-type teammates ATK, HP Up Lv.6, Special CT Speed Up Lv.3
– Driven/Powerhouse class teammates SPD, DEF Up Lv.6, HP Up Lv.4

Yamato from ONE PIECE magazine – The Best Oiran of Wano

Key Points!
Boosts ATK of Free Spirit and Cerebral characters based on the number of status effects inflicted on the crew!
You can choose 1 status effect inflicted on the crew and reduce its duration by 7 turns!

INT/Free Spirit&Cerebral

Night Stroll in Wano

– Reduces the duration of a chosen status effect placed on the crew by 7 turns (up to 1 effect can be selected)
– Boosts crew’s ATK based on the damage reduction effect applied on the crew (e.g. if crew has 80% damage reduction, boosts ATK by 1.8x) for 1 turn
– If 6 Free Spirit characters are on the crew, boosts Free Spirit characters’ ATK by 3.25x and slot effects by 1.75x for 1 turn (effect can be overwritten with other slot effect boost effects)
– If crew has damage reduction (except damage reduction over certain amount) and end of turn HP healing status at the same time when Special is launched, extends the duration of crew’s ATK boost based on damage reduction effect applied on crew, end of turn healing, and damage reduction (except damage reduction over certain amount) by 2 turns (effect applies to ATK boost based on damage reduction effect applied on crew effect from this Special)
– If 6 Cerebral characters are on the crew, boosts the type effects of normal attacks for Cerebral characters by 3x for 1 turn, and further increases crew’s ATK and slot effect boost by +0.25 (this effect also applies to ATK and slot effect boost from this Special)

Captain Ability
Kiseru Pipe in Hand

– Reduces Free Spirit and Cerebral characters’ Special charge time by 2 turns at start of quest
– Boosts their ATK by up to 6.25x based on number of status effects inflicted on the crew (minimum 5.75x; +0.1 for every 2 status effects), boosts other characters’ ATK by 5x
– Makes Free Spirit and Cerebral characters’ [INT][TND] slots have matching slot effects
– Makes crew’s [RCV] slots into [WANO] slots (boosts ATK by 2.5x; cannot be changed by crew or enemies)
– Allows healing up to 2x crew’s max HP ignoring max HP limit (effect cannot stack; if HP is above max limit, it is treated as being full HP)
– If 6 Free Spirit characters are on the crew, reduces crew’s Bind/Paralysis duration by 3 turns
– If 6 Cerebral characters are on the crew, reduces crew’s Special Reverse/Despair duration by 3 turns

Crewmate Ability
– If field has “Territory: Free Spirit class” or “Territory: Cerebral class”, reduces Free Spirit and Cerebral characters’ Special Bind/Despair duration by 3 turns (reduces character’s Special Bind by 3 turns otherwise)
– If field has “Territory: Free Spirit class” or “Territory: Cerebral class”, adds +0.2 to the chain multiplier minimum (effect is stackable; boosts Free Spirit and Cerebral characters’ base ATK by by 60 otherwise)

Rush Sugo Special(Lv.5)
– Reduces HP by a certain amount, but allows to perform a Rush. As the Rush tap connects
– Cumulatively boosts the chain, and boosts the ATK of the Finish tap of Free Spirit and Cerebral characters (up to +0.8 chain multiplier; Rush ATK boost 2.0x)

EX Super
– Changes Free Spirit characters to Super Free Spirit, and changes Cerebral characters to Super Cerebral
– Reduces damage taken by 80% for 1 turn
– Heals crew by 10,000 HP at end of turn for 1 turn
– Boosts Free Spirit and Cerebral characters’ Super Type effects for 3 turns (base ATK and base HP boost changed from 1.2x to 1.3x)
– Heals 20% of crew’s maximum HP
– Allows to activate EX Super even as a crewmate

Support Effect(Lv.5)
– Once per quest, if supported character uses a Special, reduces damage taken by 30% for 1 turn and heals crew by 3000 HP

Rumble Special(Lv.10)
– Targets enemies within large range for ATK Down Lv.15 (20 s), SPD Down Lv.15 (20 s), DEF Down Lv.15 (20 s)
– Targets 2 high ATK enemies for 7500 damage
– Activates Provoke on self (20 s)
– When remaining HP is 1% or below, targets 1 enemy with high current HP for HP 100% reduction

Rumble Ability (Lv.5)
– INT-type/Cerebral class teammates HP Up Lv.6, ATK Up Lv.6, SPD Up Lv.6, DEF Up Lv.6
– When self is KO’d, launches Rumble Special 1 time

GP Burst(Lv.5)
– Targets 1 enemy with high Special CT for HP 200% reduction

GP Leader(Lv.5)
– Cerebral class teammates ATK, HP Up Lv.7, Special CT Speed Up Lv.3
– DEX/INT-type teammates HP, SPD Up Lv.6, DEF Up Lv.3

Momonosuke & Kin’emon & Denjiro – Regaining Their Lost Glory to Shine as Before

Key Points!
When a crewmate is hit with an effect that inflicts Burn, the Burn is nullified by being transformed into an ATK boost for STR, Slasher, and Free Spirit characters!
Adds to the chain multiplier’s minimum value and boosts the chain multiplier growth rate!

STR/Slasher&Free Spirit

Vow of the New Shogun

– Reduces crew’s Special charge time by 1 turn
– Reduces crew’s Despair, convert healing to damage, and convert healing effect of [RCV][SEMLA] slots to damage duration by 6 turns
– Changes adjacent slots (including [BLOCK] slots) to [WANO] (boosts ATK by 2.5x; cannot be changed by crew or enemies)
– If Captain is a Slasher or Free Spirit class, boosts the chain multiplier by 1.5x for 1 turn, and if crew lands 2 PERFECT strikes in this turn, boosts the chain multiplier by 1.5x the next turn
– If crew’s damage reduction, DEF Up or damage reduction over certain amount status has 4 or more turns remaining when Special is launched, boosts crew’s chain multiplier growth rate of normal attacks up to +0.7 (GOOD +0.3; GREAT +0.5; PERFECT +0.7) for 3 turns (boosts Slasher and Free Spirit characters’ chain multiplier growth rate of normal attacks up to +0.6 (GOOD +0; GREAT +0.1; PERFECT +0.6) for 2 turns otherwise)

Captain Ability
Saga of the Avenging Samurai

– Reduces STR, Slasher, and Free Spirit characters’ Special charge time by 2 turns at start of quest
– Boosts their ATK by up to approximately 5.75x based on number of Slasher characters on the crew (minimum 5x)
– Adds +0.3 to the minimum chain multiplier value (this effect can stack)
– Makes crew’s [RCV][TND] slots have matching slot effects.
– If crew is afflicted with Burn status from a Special launched by the crew (including Support Effects) or by an enemy action, converts that effect to “Boosts STR, Slasher, and Free Spirit characters’ ATK by 2.75x for 2 turns” regardless of the effective turns of the converted effect (depending on the timing of enemy attacks, actual effect, ATK boost may become 1 turn)

Crewmate Ability
– If field has any applicable Territory for the crew, reduces Slasher and Free Spirit characters’ Special Reverse by 1 turn and reduces character’s Special Reverse by 2 turns (reduces character’s Special Reverse by 2 turns otherwise)
– If Captain is a Free Spirit or Slasher class, sets all slots to [WANO] slots (boosts ATK by 2.5x; cannot be changed by crew or enemies) at start of quest (no stacking identical abilities), and character’s [WANO] slot is carried over to the next turn if character lands a PERFECT strike

Super Tandem(Lv.5)
– Reduces the duration of all enemy barriers by 1 turn
– Applies ATK Boost (Tandem) of 2.25x to crew for 1 turn
– Further increases crew’s base ATK boost by +500

Super Types
– Changes STR characters to Super STR
– Changes character’s slot (including [BLOCK] slot) to [TND]
– Reduces all enemies’ damage nullification duration by 2 turns
– Boosts STR, Slasher, and Free Spirit characters’ base ATK by +1250 for 3 turns

Support Effect(Lv.5)
– Once per quest, if supported character uses a Special, reduces crew’s remaining HP by 50%, but changes adjacent slots to [WANO] (boosts ATK by 2.5x; cannot be changed by crew or enemies) and further increases crew’s base ATK boost by +250

Rumble Special(Lv.10)
– Targets teammates within large range for ATK Up Lv.6 (20 s)
– When 6 or more STR characters are on the team targets all enemies for HP 35% reduction
– When 6 or more Free Spirit characters are on the team, targets 3 enemies for ATK x 4 damage

Rumble Ability(Lv.5)
– STR-type/Free Spirit class teammates HP Up Lv.5, SPD Up Lv.5; STR-type teammates DEF Up Lv.3
– Free Spirit class teammates DEF Up Lv.3

GP Burst(Lv.5)
– Targets all enemies for 1000 damage

GP Leader(Lv.5)
– Team ATK Up Lv.3, HP, SPD Up Lv.3

*This content is still under development and is subject to change. Please check in-game after this character has been added.
