「10th Anniv. トレクル10周年超ありがとう!!超スゴフェス!!」ルフィ性能紹介

モンキー・D・ルフィ 高鳴る心臓の鼓動

・【1タップ目で発動】一定の体力を消費し、連続で攻撃をすることができ、連続攻撃をするたびチェインが上昇し最終攻撃時に知属性・格闘・強靭タイプキャラの攻撃を上昇する!(最大でチェイン係数+0.8 ラッシュ攻撃上昇2.0倍)
・【6タップ目で発動】一定の体力を消費し、連続で攻撃をすることができ、連続攻撃をするたびチェインが上昇し最終攻撃時に自分の攻撃を上昇する!(最大でチェイン係数+1.0 ラッシュ攻撃上昇2.5倍)

Monkey D. Luffy – Rushing Heartbeat

Key Points!
Uses an Action Special with a new ability!
Plus, depending on the final result of the Action Special, he can boost INT, Fighter, and Powerhouse characters’ ATK by up to 4x!
Young Strength to Pierce the Strongest
– Deals 300x character’s ATK in non-type damage to all enemies (ignoring all defensive effects and DEF)
– Delays all enemies by 1 turn ignoring immunity to delay or status effects
– Reduces crew’s Bind duration by 10 turns
– Reduces all enemies’ Reduce Damage Over Certain Amount duration by 10 turns
– Changes crew’s slots (including [BLOCK] slots) to [INT] slots
– Becomes unable to change to type slots (except [INT] or [BLOCK] slots) for 2 turns
– If crew has ATK Up when Special is launched, boosts crew’s base ATK by +2000 for 2 turns
– After that, boosts INT, Fighter and Powerhouse characters’ ATK up to 4x based on the result of the Action Special for 2 turns (MISS 3.5x; GOOD 3.7x; GREAT 3.8x; PERFECT 3.9x; EXCELLENT 4x)
– Further increases the effect of crew’s slot effect boost by 1.5x (up to maximum of 6x effect)
Rush Sugo Special(Lv.5)
Activates a different effect depending on the conditions of activation
[Activated on the 1st tap of an attack] Reduces HP by a certain amount, but allows to perform a Rush. As the Rush tap connects, cumulatively boosts the chain, and boosts the ATK of the Finish tap of INT, FIghter and Powerhouse characters (up to +0.8 chain multiplier; Rush ATK boost 2.0x)
[Activated on the 6th tap of an attack] Reduces HP by a certain amount, but allows to perform a Rush. As the Rush tap connects, cumulatively boosts the chain, and boosts the ATK of the Finish tap of character’s (up to +1.0 chain multiplier; Rush ATK boost 2.5x)
Other Key Points
– Has EX Super of INT&Fighter
– At the time of EX Super, heals 30% of crew’s maximum HP (up to 2x max HP ignoring max HP limit; if HP is above max limit, it is treated as being full HP). If characters’ 1st class is Cerebral or Shooter, changes their 1st class to Fighter (unless character is already a Fighter as a 2nd class) for 1 turn. Boosts the type effects of normal attacks for INT, Fighter and Powerhouse characters by 2.5x for 2 turns
– Reduces crew’s Switch Effect and VS Effect gauge by 3 at start of quest
– Reduces INT, Fighter and Powerhouse characters’ Special charge time by 2 at start of quest
– Boosts INT, Fighter and Powerhouse characters’ ATK by 6x, boosts their ATK by approximately 6.25x after 3 PERFECT strikes in a row, boosts their HP by 1.35x, boosts other characters’ ATK by 4.5x
– Makes crew’s [INT][TND] slots have matching slot effects
– Reduces crew’s Despair duration by 10 turns
– If crew uses a Special to boost ATK, extends the duration of that effect by 1 turn
– If the character is a Captain (Friend/Helper Captain does no count) and performs EXCELLENT for the Action Special, Captain Ability effect of “boosts INT, Fighter and Powerhouse characters’ ATK by 6x, boosts their ATK by approximately 6.25x after 3 PERFECT strikes in a row” changes to “boosts INT, Fighter and Powerhouse characters’ ATK by 6.5x” for 3 turns
*This content is still under development and is subject to change.
Please check in-game after this character has been added.