キャラクター情報 2024.08.22

「激突!激熱!超激戦!VS超スゴフェス!! 勝者島の戦い」新キャラ性能紹介

黒ひげVSロー “最悪の世代”同士の激突









・最終攻撃時に打突タイプキャラの攻撃を上昇する!(最大でチェイン係数+0.8 ラッシュ攻撃上昇2.0倍)
・最終攻撃時に自分の攻撃を上昇する!(最大でチェイン係数+0.6 ラッシュ攻撃上昇2.6倍)


・攻撃の高い敵3体の攻撃ダウン Lv.8!(15秒)
・残り体力の多い敵3体を100%の確率で回復量を0にし(15秒)、継続ダメージ付与 Lv.10(15秒)、必殺CTを15%遅延!

・格闘・斬撃・強靭・博識タイプの敵の速度ダウン Lv.7!
・敵全体の攻撃ダウン Lv.7!
・一味に強靭タイプが5人以上いる時、敵全体の防御ダウン Lv.7、必殺CTのたまる速度ダウン Lv.3!
・バトル開始から20秒間、自分の必殺CTのたまる速度アップ Lv.10!

・格闘・斬撃・強靭・博識タイプの敵の防御ダウン Lv.8(60秒)、攻撃ダウン Lv.8(60秒)、速度ダウン Lv.8(60秒)、継続ダメージ付与 Lv.4!(30秒)

・心・知属性の仲間の攻撃、体力アップ Lv.4、速度アップ Lv.2!
・野心・強靭タイプの仲間の必殺CTのたまる速度アップ Lv.2、防御アップ Lv.2、体力アップ Lv.4!




「敵将穿つ“K・ROOM 衝撃波動”」

・一味に打突タイプが6人いる時、1ターンの間中段右のキャラと船長を入れ替えた後(一部特殊状態では入れ替えられない)、船長の必殺ターンを20短縮する!【「敵将穿つ“K・ROOM 衝撃波動”」のこの効果は、同様の必殺技を含め冒険中1回まで発動可能】




・最終攻撃時に打突タイプキャラの攻撃を上昇する!(最大でチェイン係数+0.8 ラッシュ攻撃上昇2.0倍)
・最終攻撃時に自分の攻撃を上昇する!(最大でチェイン係数+0.6 ラッシュ攻撃上昇2.6倍)


・打突タイプの仲間の攻撃アップ Lv.6!(20秒)

・打突タイプの仲間の体力アップ Lv.6、速度アップ Lv.6、防御アップ Lv.4!
・斬撃タイプの敵の攻撃ダウン Lv.7!

・心・知属性・打突・博識タイプの仲間の攻撃アップ Lv.6!(30秒)

・心・知属性の仲間の攻撃、体力アップ Lv.4、速度アップ Lv.2!
・打突・博識タイプの仲間の必殺CTのたまる速度アップ Lv.2、防御アップ Lv.2、体力アップ Lv.4!

クザン 黒ひげ海賊団10番船船長











・速属性と強靭タイプの仲間の攻撃アップ Lv.6(25秒)、速度アップ Lv.6!(25秒)

・速属性・強靭タイプの仲間の体力アップ Lv.6、防御アップ Lv.6!
・バトル開始から10秒間、一味の必殺CTのたまる速度アップ Lv.5!
・一味に[マーシャル・D・ティーチ(黒ひげ)、ジーザス・バージェス(、シリュウ、ヴァン・オーガー、アバロ・ピサロ、ラフィット、カタリーナ・デボン、サンファン・ウルフ、バスコ・ショット、ドクQ]のいずれかがいる時、一味の速度アップ Lv.6、自分の速度アップ Lv.5!


・一味の攻撃アップ Lv.3、体力、速度アップ Lv.3!



Blackbeard VS Law – Clash of the Worst Generations


Key Points!
Comes with a Special that applies “Territory: Powerhouse class” to the field!
His Captain Ability activates different additional effects depending on the HP of your crew after using their Special!


Atmosphere-Shaking Tremor Crush

– Has Action Special
– Applies “Territory: Powerhouse class” to the field (boosts crew’s ATK up to 1.5x and reduces damage taken up to 25% based on number of characters matching the territory) for 3 turns
– Boosts Powerhouse characters’ base ATK up to +3000 based on outcome of Action Special (+1500 for MISS, +2000 for GOOD, +2250 for GREAT, +2500 for PERFECT, +3000 for EXCELLENT) for 1 turn
– Increases crew’s ATK boost effect when Special is launched to 3.5x
– Boosts crew’s ATK for 1 turn based on crew’s HP when Special is launched (3x at 100%, 3.25x at 75% or above, 3.5x at 50% or above, 3.75x at 25% or above, 4x at less than 25%)
– If 6 Powerhouse characters are on the crew and HP is 25% or below when Special is launched, reduces all enemies’ HP by 30% (ignoring all defensive effects and Non-Normal Attacks Deal 1 Damage effect; this effect can be activated up to 1 time including any Specials with similar effect)
– Cuts crew’s HP by 60%

Captain Ability
Engulfing Black Vortex

– Boosts crew’s ATK by 5x, doubles Powerhouse characters’ HP, and boosts Powerhouse characters’ ATK by up to a further 1.2x based on remaining HP (1.1x for 50% or below, 1.2x for 25% or below)
– If 4 or more Powerhouse characters are on the crew, reduces crew’s ATK Down duration by 10 turns, and if crew uses a Special to boost ATK or base ATK, extends the duration of that boost by 1 turn
– If 6 Powerhouse characters are on the crew and crew has “Territory: Powerhouse class”, boosts character’s ATK by a further 1.1x
– If character is a Captain (Friend/Helper Captain does not count) and performs EXCELLENT for the Action Special, for 3 turns, if crew uses a Special to boost slot effects or type effects, adds +0.3 to the boost (stackable with other further raising effects), and boosts character’s ATK by a further 1.1x
– Adds the following effect based on crew’s HP when crew uses a Special (refers to HP after the Special is launched)
– If HP is 15% or above, cuts crew’s HP by 30%, but reduces character’s VS Effect gauge by 1 (Effect can be launched again for every time HP changes over each 10% threshold of maximum HP; if current HP is below 15%, effect can be lauched again when HP reaches 15% or more; if HP is healed above max, it will be treated as 100%)
– If 6 Powerhouse characters are on the crew and HP is 20% or below, activates HP Guard of 100% effect for 3 turns (this effect can be activated up to 1 time)

Crewmate Ability
– Boosts Powerhouse characters’ base ATK by 1.1x
– Boosts Powerhouse and Striker characters’ base ATK by 150, makes Powerhouse characters’ [INT][TND] slots have matching slot effects, and makes Striker characters’ [PSY][RCV] slots have matching slot effects

Rush Sugo Special(Lv.5)
– Activates a different effect depending on the conditions of activation
[Activated on the 1st tap of an attack]
– Reduces HP by a certain amount but allows to perform a Rush
– As the Rush tap connects, cumulatively boosts the chain
– Boosts the ATK of the Finish tap of Striker characters (up to +0.8 chain multiplier; Rush ATK boost 2.0x)
[Activated on the 6th tap of an attack]
– Reduces HP by a certain amount, but allows to perform a Rush
– As the Rush tap connects, cumulatively boosts the chain
– Boosts the ATK of the Finish tap of character (up to +0.6 chain multiplier; Rush ATK boost 2.6x)

VS Effect
– Cuts crew’s HP by 60%
– Reduces all enemies’ Resilience duration by 6 turns
– Boosts the chain multiplier by +1.7 for 3 turns
– Changes Powerhouse characters’ slots (including [BLOCK] slots) to character’s own type

Rumble Special(Lv.10)
– Targets 3 high ATK enemies for ATK Down Lv.8 (15 s)
– Targets 3 enemies with high current HP for 100% chance to make healing amount to 0 (15 s), Damage Over Time Lv.10 (15 s), Special CT 15% delay

Rumble Ability (Lv.5)
– Fighter/Slasher/Powerhouse/Cerebral enemies SPD Down Lv.7
– All enemies ATK Down Lv.7
– When 5 or more Powerhouse characters are on the team, all enemies DEF Down Lv.7, Special CT Speed Down Lv.3
– First 20 s of battle, self Special CT Speed Up Lv.10

GP Burst (Lv5)
– Targets Fighter/Slasher/Powerhouse/Cerebral class enemies for DEF Down Lv.8 (60 s), ATK Down Lv.8 (60 s), SPD Down Lv.8 (60 s), Damage Over Time Lv.4 (30 s)
– Targets 3 enemies with low current HP for 100% chance to make healing amount to 0 (60 s)

GP Leader (Lv5)
– PSY/INT-type teammates ATK, HP Up Lv.4, SPD Up Lv.2
– Driven/Powerhouse class teammates Special CT Speed Up Lv.2, DEF Up Lv.2, HP Up Lv.4


Key Points!
An ability that boosts Striker characters, including a Captain Ability that raises your crew’s ATK in accordance with the number of Strikers there are!
Fulfill the various conditions when activating his Special to trigger as many effects as possible!


Emperor-Wounding K-ROOM Shock Wille

– Sets all enemies’ DEF to 0 ignoring various immunities to status effects (Immunity to DEF Down, Immunity to Status Effects, and immunity excluding certain status effect) for 2 turns
– If crew has Slot Effect Boost status when Special is launched, boosts Striker characters’ ATK Up by 3.25x for 2 turns, and applies Allows Healing Ignoring Max HP Limit to crew for 2 turns (up to 2x max HP ignoring max HP limit; if HP is above max limit, it is treated as being full HP)
– If crew has ATK Up at Last Tap, boosts Striker characters’ Slot Effect by 3.5x for 2 turns (allows this effect to be further increased up to 2 times; boosts Striker characters’ Slot Effect by 3.25x for 1 turn otherwise)
– If crew has used Specials 7 times or more, extends the duration of crew’s Slot Effect Boost by 1 turn, and further increases its effect by +0.3 (effect applies to Slot Effect Boost effect from this Special)
– If 6 Striker characters are on the crew, swaps middle-right character with the Captain for 1 turn (certain effects prevent Swap Captains), reduces Captain’s Special charge time by 20 turns (this effect can be activated up to 1 time including any Specials with similar effect)
– Heals crew’s HP by 60% of maximum HP

Captain Ability
Awakened Power Trickery

– Reduces Striker characters’ Special charge time by 1 turn at start of quest
– Boosts crew’s ATK by up to approximately 6x based on number of Striker characters on the crew (minimum 5x)
– Makes crew’s [PSY][RCV][TND] slots have matching slot effects
– Allows crew to obtain [RCV] slots with PERFECT taps
– If 4 or more Striker characters are on the crew, reduces crew’s Despair duration by 10 turns, and if crew uses a Special to boost type effects or ATK, extends the duration of that boost by 1 turn
– If 6 Striker characters are on the crew and accumulated ATK of final tap is 50% or more, boosts Striker characters’ ATK by approximately 6.5x
– Adds the following effect based on crew’s HP when crew uses a Special (refers to HP after the Special is launched)
– If HP is 70% or more, reduces character’s VS Effect gauge by 3, and boosts the ATK of the next final tap performed by a Striker character by 20% (similar effects can stack, up to 200%; the effect will be spent during the final tap when attacking with all available characters regardless of the type/class requirement of the effect; effect can be activated again after crew’s HP falls below 70%, up to 3 times per quest)
– If 6 Striker characters are on the crew and HP is less than 70%, heals 50% of crew’s maximum HP, and boosts the ATK of the next final tap performed by a Striker character by 30% (similar effects can stack, up to 200%; the effect will be spent during the final tap when attacking with all available characters regardless of the type/class requirement of the effect; this effect can be activated up to 1 time)

Crewmate Ability
– Boosts Striker characters’ base ATK by 1.1x
– Boosts Powerhouse and Striker characters’ base ATK by 150, makes Powerhouse characters’ [INT][TND] slots have matching slot effects, and makes Striker characters’ [PSY][RCV] slots have matching slot effects

Rush Sugo Special(Lv.5)
– Activates a different effect depending on the conditions of activation
[Activated on the 1st tap of an attack]
– Reduces HP by a certain amount, but allows to perform a Rush
– As the Rush tap connects, cumulatively boosts the chain
– Boosts the ATK of the Finish tap of Striker characters (up to +0.8 chain multiplier; Rush ATK boost 2.0x)
[Activated on the 6th tap of an attack]
– Reduces HP by a certain amount but allows to perform a Rush
– As the Rush tap connects, cumulatively boosts the chain
– Boosts the ATK of the Finish tap of character (up to +0.6 chain multiplier; Rush ATK boost 2.6x)

VS Effect
– Further increases crew’s ATK boost by +0.25
– Boosts the ATK of the next final tap performed by a Striker character by 20% (similar effects can stack, up to 200%; the effect will be spent during the final tap when attacking with all available characters regardless of the type/class requirement of the effect)
– Reduces crew’s Paralysis duration by 6 turns
– Can choose to completely remove crew’s Swap Captains effect
– Changes Striker characters’ slots (including [BLOCK] slots) to character’s own type

Rumble Special(Lv.10)
– Targets Striker class teammates for ATK Up Lv.6 (20 s)
– Targets 2 high DEF enemies for HP 40% reduction, 5000 damage
– Targets Slasher class enemies for 80% chance of Action Bind (10 s)
– 80% chance of Special Bind (10 s)

Rumble Ability (Lv.5)
– Striker class teammates HP Up Lv.6, SPD Up Lv.6, DEF Up Lv.4
– Slasher class enemies ATK Down Lv.7
– Revives self up to 1 time at 30% HP

GP Burst (Lv5)
– Targets PSY/INT-type/Striker/Cerebral class teammates for ATK Up Lv.6 (30 s)
– Targets 3 enemies with high current HP for 7000 damage 2 times
– Targets Slasher class enemies for 100% chance of Halve Stats (20 s)
– Targets 3 teammates with low current HP for 1000 HP per interval auto-healing (30 s)

GP Leader (Lv5)
– PSY/INT-type teammates ATK, HP Up Lv.4, SPD Up Lv.2
– Striker/Cerebral class teammates Special CT Speed Up Lv.2, DEF Up Lv.2, HP Up Lv.4

Kuzan – Tenth Ship Captain of the Blackbeard Pirates

Key Points!
A Special that triggers different effects based on the HP of your crew when it is activated!
Plus, he has a Super Tandem and Super Type!


Ice Against Justice

– Deals 200x character’s ATK in non-type damage to all enemies
– Reduces crew’s Paralysis/Burn duration by 6 turns
– Boosts Striker and Powerhouse characters’ chain multiplier growth rate of normal attacks up to +0.7 (GOOD +0; GREAT +0.1; PERFECT +0.7) for 2 turns
– Changes character’s slot (including [BLOCK] slot) to [TND]
– If crew’s HP is 51% or below when Special is launched, boosts Striker and Powerhouse characters’ slot effects by 2.75x for 1 turn, and extends the duration of crew’s slot effect boost by 1 turn (effect applies to slot effect boost from this Special)
– If crew’s HP is more than 51% when Special is launched, cuts 50% of crew’s maximum HP, but boosts damage dealt to DEF Down enemies by 2.5x for 1 turn, and extends the duration of crew’s damage dealt to enemies with a specific status effect boost by 1 turn (effect applies to damage dealt to enemies with a specific status effect boost from this Special)

Captain Ability
After Leaving Justice

– Reduces crew’s Special charge time by 1 turn at start of quest
– Boosts Striker and Powerhouse characters’ ATK by 5x, boost their ATK by 5.75x when crew’s HP is full or 50% or below
– Boosts their ATK a further 1.1x when every type is on the crew
– Makes crew’s [QCK][TND] slots have matching slot effects
– If crew uses a Special to boost damage dealt to enemies with a specific status effect, extends the duration of that damage boost by 1 turn
– Adds the following effect based on crew’s HP when crew uses a Special (refers to HP after the Special is launched)
– If HP is more than 51%, locks crew’s slots for 1 turn and changes crew’s slots to [TND] (Effect can be activated again after crew’s HP falls below 51%, up to 2 times per quest)
– If HP is 51% or below, reduces character’s Special charge time by 15 turns (this effect can be activated up to 1 time)

Crewmate Ability
– Makes Striker and Powerhouse characters’ [QCK][TND] slots have matching slot effects
– If field has any applicable Territory for the crew, reduces character’s Special charge time by 3 turns every time another Striker or Powerhouse character uses a Special (reduces character’s Special charge time by 1 turn every time another Striker or Powerhouse character uses a Special otherwise)

Super Tandem(Lv.5)
– Sets all enemies’ DEF to 0 for 1 turn
– Applies ATK Boost (Tandem) of 2.25x to Striker and Powerhouse characters for 1 turn
– Further increases crew’s chain multiplier growth rate alterating effect by +0.2

Super Types
– Changes QCK characters to Super QCK
– Applies -20% QCK, Striker, and Powerhouse Resistance to all enemies for 2 turns
– Reduces crew’s Special Bind duration by 6 turns

Support Effect(Lv.5)
– Once per quest, if supported character uses a Special to boost base ATK, changes supported character’s slot (including [BLOCK] slot) to [QCK], and boosts Striker and Powerhouse characters’ chain multiplier growth rate of normal attacks up to +0.4 (GOOD +0.1; GREAT +0.2; PERFECT +0.4) for 1 turn

Rumble Special(Lv.10)
– Targets QCK-type/Powerhouse class teammates for ATK Up Lv.6 (25 s), SPD Up Lv.6 (25 s)
– When “Marshall D. Teach (Blackbeard)”, “Jesus Burgess (Mr. Store)”, “Shiryu”, “Van Ogre”, “Avalo Pizarro”, “Lafitte”, “Catarina Devon”, “San Juan Wolf”, “Vasco Shot”, or “Doc Q” is on the team, targets (not including self) 3 QCK-type/Powerhouse class teammates with Special CT below 100% for Special CT 20% reduction

Rumble Ability (Lv.5)
– QCK-type/Powerhouse class teammates HP Up Lv.6, DEF Up Lv.6
– First 10 s of battle, team Special CT Speed Up Lv.5
– When “Marshall D. Teach (Blackbeard)”, “Jesus Burgess (Mr. Store)”, “Shiryu”, “Van Ogre”, “Avalo Pizarro”, “Lafitte”, “Catarina Devon”, “San Juan Wolf”, “Vasco Shot”, or “Doc Q” is on the team, team SPD Up Lv.6; self SPD Up Lv.5

GP Burst (Lv5)
– Targets all enemies for 1000 damage

GP Leader (Lv5)
– Team ATK Up Lv.3, HP, SPD Up Lv.3

*This content is still under development and is subject to change. Please check in-game after this character has been added.
