キャラクター情報 2024.09.26


モンキー・D・ガープ 愛弟子のため振るう拳











・格闘タイプの仲間の攻撃アップ Lv.5!(20秒)

・心属性の仲間の体力アップ Lv.6、防御アップ Lv.6、吹き飛ばし発生率アップ Lv.6!


・心属性の仲間の攻撃、回復アップ Lv.4、防御アップ Lv.2!
・格闘タイプの仲間の攻撃、体力アップ Lv.4、クリティカル発生率アップ Lv.3!
・知属性の敵の必殺CTのたまる速度ダウン Lv.3、体力ダウン Lv.4!

プリンス・グルス&孔雀&ひばり 救い出す海軍の「未来」










・打突・射撃タイプの仲間にシールド Lv.5!(20秒)
・一味に[モンキー・D・ガープ、コビー、ヘルメッポ、X・ドレーク]のいずれかがいる時、残り体力の少ない仲間3体にシールド Lv.5!(20秒)

・打突・射撃タイプの仲間の体力アップ Lv.6、攻撃アップ Lv.6!
・一味に[モンキー・D・ガープ、コビー、ヘルメッポ、X・ドレーク]がいる時、一味の防御アップ Lv.5。自分の体力アップ Lv.10、速度アップ Lv.10!

・速度の高い敵1体を100%の確率で行動封じ状態にし(10秒)、速度ダウン Lv.10!(20秒)
・攻撃の高い敵1体を100%の確率で必殺封じ状態にし(10秒)、攻撃ダウン Lv.10!(20秒)
・防御の高い敵1体が挑発状態になり(20秒)、防御ダウン Lv.10!(20秒)

・知属性の仲間の体力、速度アップ Lv.4、防御アップ Lv.2!
・打突・射撃タイプの仲間の必殺CTのたまる速度アップ Lv.2、攻撃、体力アップ Lv.4!



Monkey D. Garp – Fists to Save His Protege

Key Points!
Special becomes stronger the more turns that the end of turn HP healing effect has!
Plus, when he changes into a Super Class Fighter, it activates a 90% HP Guard and other effects!

PSY / Fighter&Free Spirit

Galaxy Impact

– Reduces all enemies’ DEF Up duration by 10 turns
– Changes left-column slots (including [BLOCK] slots) to [RCV], and changes right-column slots (including [BLOCK] slots) to [TND]
– If a PSY-type is set as Support for character, boosts Fighter and Free Spirit characters’ slot effects by 2.5x for 2 turns. If any other type is set as Support for character or no Support character is set, boosts damage dealt to delayed enemies by 2.5x for 2 turns
– If crew has End of turn HP healing, boosts the ATK of the next final tap performed by a Fighter or Free Spirit character (similar effects can stack, up to 200%; the effect will be spent during the final tap when attacking with all available characters regardless of the type/class requirement of the effect) and applies Fighter and Free Spirit Resistence for 1 turn based on the following conditions: [If crew’s HP is not full, final tap ATK boost and Resistence effects will be halved]
 30% and -10% at 6 turns or less
 50% and -20% at 7~14 turns
 100% and -40% at 15 turns or more plus changes crew’s 1st class to Fighter for 1 turn (unless character is already a Fighter class)
– After that, cuts crew’s HP by 95%, but deals 50x the HP lost in non-type damage to all enemies and reduces crew’s End of turn HP healing duration by 10 turns

Captain Ability
Strike of the Legendary Hero

– Lunches effect “heals crew by 2x character’s RCV at end of turn for 8 turns (cannot be removed by crew or enemies)” at start of quest
– Boosts Fighter and Free Spirit characters’ HP by 1.5x, ATK by 5.25x, boosts their ATK by approximately 5.75x if HP is full or 10% or below
– Boosts other characters’ ATK by 4.5x
– Makes crew’s [PSY][RCV][TND] slots have matching slot effects
– Tapping on this character with a [RCV] slot will extend the duration of crew’s End of turn HP healing by 3 turns
– If 6 Fighter characters or every type is on the crew, allows healing up to 2x crew’s max HP ignoring max HP limit (effect cannot stack; if HP is above max limit, it is treated as being full HP)
– When crew launches Specials to apply additional damage effect, converts that effect to “extend the duration of crew’s End of turn HP healing by 2 turns” regardless of the effective turns of the converted effect

Crewmate Ability
– Boosts Fighter and Free Spirit characters’ base RCV by 1.1x
– Makes Fighter and Free Spirit characters’ [RCV][TND] slots have matching slot effects, and sets all slots to [RCV] slots at start of quest (no stacking identical abilities)

Super Tandem(Lv.5)
– Applies ATK Boost (Tandem) of 2.5x to middle-row characters for 1 turn
– Applies ATK Boost (Tandem) of 2x to other characters for 1 turn

Super Class
– Changes Fighter characters to Super Fighter
– Delays all enemies by 1 turn, activates HP Guard of 90% effect for 1 turn, extends the duration of crew’s damage boosting effects and End of turn HP healing by 2 turns

Support Effect(Lv.5)
– Heals crew by 2x supported character’s RCV at end of turn for 5 turns at start of final battle

Rumble Special(Lv.10)CT:35
– Targets all enemies for ATK x 3 damage
– If “X Drake”, “Coby”, “Helmeppo”, “Prince Grus”, “Hibari”, “Kujaku”, “Monkey D. Luffy”, or “Portgas D. Ace” is on the team, targets all enemies ignoring DEF for ATK x 1.5 damage
– Targets Fighter class teammates for ATK Up Lv.5 (20 s)

Rumble Ability (Lv.5)
– PSY-type teammates HP Up Lv.6, DEF Up Lv.6, Blow Away % Up Lv.6
– If 6 or more PSY characters are on the team, when self is KO’d, launches Rumble Special 1 time

GP Burst (Lv5)
– Targets all enemies for 8000 damage
– Targets Driven/Shooter class enemies for 6000 damage

GP Leader (Lv5)
– PSY-type teammates ATK, RCV Up Lv.4, DEF Up Lv.2
– Fighter class teammates ATK, HP Up Lv.4, Critical % Up Lv.3
– INT-type enemies Special CT Speed Down Lv.3, HP Down Lv.4

Prince Grus & Kujaku & Hibari – Saving the Future of the Navy

Key Points!
Special reduces Reduce Damage Over Certain Amount effect on the enemy by 90%!
Plus, if certain conditions are met, their Captain Ability reduces their own and the crew’s Special charge times!

INT / Striker&Shooter

Navy HQ Top Secret Special Force “SWORD”

– Reduces all enemies’ Reduce Damage Over Certain Amount effect by 90% (the effect increase/decrease only occurs 1 time)
– Deals 200x character’s ATK in INT damage to all enemies at end of turn for 3 turns
– Reduces crew’s Convert Healing to Damage and Convert Healing Effect of [RCV][SEMLA] slots to Damage duration by 4 turns
– Boosts Fighter, Slasher, Striker, and Shooter characters’ ATK by 2.75x for 1 turn
– Changes crew’s [BLOCK] and type slots to [RCV]
– Applies -10% Fighter, Slasher, Striker, and Shooter Resistance to all enemies for 1 turn
– If crew’s End of turn HP healing status has 5 or more turns remaining when Special is launched and an INT or PSY-type is set as Support for character or no Support character is set, reduces character’s Special charge time by 12 turns; if a STR, DEX, or QCK-type is set as Support for character, reduces bottom-row characters’ Special charge time by 4 turns (Special charge time reduction effect of “Navy HQ Top Secret Special Force “SWORD”” can be activated up to 1 time including any Specials with similar effect)
– After that, heals crew by 9,292 HP at end of turn for 7 turns

Captain Ability
Pirate-Subduing Might of “SWORD”

– Reduces crew’s Special charge time by 1 turn at start of quest
– Boosts crew’s ATK by approximately 5.75x if a Fighter, Slasher, Striker, and Shooter class are all on the crew (4.5x otherwise)
– Boosts crew’s HP by 1.25x
– Makes crew’s [INT][RCV] slots have matching slot effects
– If a Fighter, Slasher, Striker, or Shooter crewmate uses a Special, reduces character’s Special charge time by 3 turns (this effect can be activated up to 8 times, max 4 times in 1 turn)

Crewmate Ability
– Adds an additional 300 HP when obtaining a [RCV] slot, and makes Fighter, Slasher, Striker, and Shooter characters’ [INT][RCV] slots have matching slot effects
– Tapping on this character with a [RCV] slot will boost crew’s chance of landing on [RCV] slots for 1 turn, and character’s [RCV] slot is carried over to the next turn if character lands a PERFECT strike

Super Types
– Changes INT characters to Super INT
– Reduces top-row characters’ Special charge time by 2 turns, applies Set Target status to all enemies for 1 turn (Set Target status cannot be affected by immunity to status effects, Fighter, Slasher, Striker, and Shooter characters will deal 1.75x damage, and their Special charge time will be reduced by 2 turns for every enemy with Set Target status defeated by normal attacks and Specials excluding Specials or Switch Effects that cause status effects or deal damage at end of turn)

Support Effect(Lv.5)
– Once per quest, if supported character uses a Special, extends the duration of crew’s end of turn HP healing effect by 1 turn, and changes right-column characters’ slots to [RCV]

Rumble Special(Lv.10)CT:27
– Targets Striker/Shooter class teammates for Shield Lv.5 (20 s)
– Targets 3 high ATK enemies for 100% chance of Halve ATK (15 s)
– Targets 3 high SPD enemies for 80% chance of Confusion (10 s)
– If “Monkey D. Garp”, “Coby”, “Helmeppo”, or “X Drake” is on the team; targets 3 teammates with low current HP for Shield Lv.5 (20 s)

Rumble Ability (Lv.5)
– Striker/Shooter class teammates HP Up Lv.6, ATK Up Lv.6
– If “Monkey D. Garp”, “Coby”, “Helmeppo”, or “X Drake” is on the team, team DEF Up Lv.5, self HP Up Lv.10, SPD Up Lv.10

GP Burst (Lv5)
– Targets 1 high SPD enemy for 100% chance of Action Bind (10 s), SPD Down Lv.10 (20 s)
– Targets 1 high ATK enemy for 100% chance of Special Bind (10 s), ATK Down Lv.10 (20 s)
– Activates Provoke on 1 high DEF enemy (20 s), DEF Down Lv.10 (20 s)
– Targets 1 teammate with low current Special CT for Special CT 100% reduction

GP Leader (Lv5)
– INT-type teammates HP, SPD Up Lv.4, DEF Up Lv.2
– Striker/Shooter class teammates Special CT Speed Up Lv.2, ATK, HP Up Lv.4

*This content is still under development and is subject to change. Please check in-game after this character has been added.
