
ウソップ&Dr.ベガパンク「悪」(リリス) 自由自在な海のエネルギー

■海賊祭必殺技(Lv.10) 必殺CT:20
・敵3体の防御ダウン Lv.6(20秒)、必殺CTを20%遅延する!
■海賊祭超必殺技(レベル上限突破 Lv.5)
・敵3体の防御ダウン Lv.8(30秒)、必殺CTを30%遅延する!
・射撃・博識タイプの仲間の攻撃アップ Lv.6、速度アップ Lv.6!
・バトル開始から40秒間、敵全体の必殺CTのたまる速度ダウン Lv.5!
・一味に射撃・博識タイプが6人以上いる時、敵全体の防御ダウン Lv.5!
・一味の攻撃アップ Lv.3、体力、速度アップ Lv.3!
ナミ&サンジ 科学の最高峰との交戦

■海賊祭必殺技(Lv.10) 必殺CT:29
・自分の攻撃アップ Lv.7(20秒)、防御アップ Lv.7(20秒)、クリティカル発生率アップ Lv.7!(20秒)
■海賊祭超必殺技(レベル上限突破 Lv.5)
・中範囲の仲間の攻撃アップ Lv.8(20秒)、防御アップ Lv.8(20秒)、クリティカル発生率アップ Lv.8!(20秒)
・格闘タイプの仲間の体力アップ Lv.6、防御アップ Lv.6!
・自分の攻撃アップ Lv.5、防御アップ Lv.5!
・ダメージを与えた時、3回まで自分の攻撃アップ Lv.3!
・ダメージを受けた時、3回まで自分の防御アップ Lv.3!
・一味の攻撃アップ Lv.3、体力、速度アップ Lv.3!
Usopp & Dr. Vegapunk “Lilith the Evil” – Controlling the Energy of the Sea

Key Points!
Can activate Super Switch Effect and change Shooter characters to Super Shooter. This Super Class can be activated even as a crewmate.
Captain Ability provides different boost effects depending on who is set as Captain at the start of the quest.
[STR] & [DEX] / Shooter & Cerebral
Shot of Science and Nature
– Delays all enemies for 1 turn ignoring immunity to Delay, immunity to all status effects, or immunity (excluding certain status effect)
– Allows crew to perform Super Tandem with [BOMB][S. BOMB] slots for 3 turns
– Reduces all enemies’ damage nullification duration by 3 turns
– If the crew has ATK Boost and Set Chain Multiplier effect at the same time when the Special is activated, ignores immunity to status effects and applies Weakened status to all enemies for 1 turn. (Applies increase damage taken status to all enemies by 1.75x, and the damage further increases by 1.25x if enemy has increased damage taken status.)
– If the crew has ATK Boost when the Special is activated, sets the Chain Multiplier’s minimum value at 2.75 and maximum value at 35.0 for 3 turns.
– Then after that, boosts STR, DEX, Shooter, and Cerebral characters’ ATK by 2.75x for 3 turns
– Becomes “Usopp & Dr. Vegapunk “Lilith the Evil”” for 3 turns
Captain Ability
Battle at Labophase Building C Third Floor
– When as Usopp, at the start of the quest, activates an effect to boost ATK of STR / DEX type and Cerebral / Shooter class characters by 3x for 5 turns and reduce own switch effect uses by 2.
– When as Dr. Vegapunk “Lilith the Evil”, at the start of the quest, activates an effect to set the Chain Multiplier’s minimum value at 3.0 and maximum value at 35.0 for 5 turns and reduce own switch effect uses by 2.
– *The effects below apply when in Double Character form.
– Boosts STR, DEX, Cerebral, and Shooter characters’ HP by 1.35x, ATK by 5.75x
– Boosts their ATK by approximately 6x when they have [RCV][TND][EMPTY][BOMB][S. BOMB] slots
– Makes their [STR][DEX][TND][BOMB][S. BOMB] slots have matching slot effects
– Tapping on this character with a [RCV][TND][EMPTY][BOMB][S. BOMB] slot will change crew’s ATK multiplier of [RCV][TND][EMPTY][SEMLA][BOMB][S. BOMB] and Rainbow slots to 2.5x when slots match, 0.5x when unfavorable, 1.5x otherwise (normally 2.0x when matching; 1.5x for [S. BOMB] slots; 1x otherwise) for 3 turns
Crewmate Ability
– Makes crew’s [BOMB][S. BOMB] slots have matching slot effects
– Boosts crew’s base stats by 75, and makes crew immune to Remove SFX
Super Class
– Activation Requirement: After Super Switching to Usopp & Dr. Vegapunk “Lilith the Evil” and when 3 or more of the following characters are on the crew (can even activate when this character is a crewmate; except as Support Characters; Double Characters counts as 1).
Dr. Vegapunk (Stella), Dr. Vegapunk “Atlas the Violent”, Dr. Vegapunk “Edison the Thinker”, Dr. Vegapunk “Pythagoras the Wise”, Dr. Vegapunk “Shaka the Good”, Monkey D. Luffy, Roronoa Zoro, Nami, Sanji, Tony Tony Chopper, Nico Robin, Franky, Brook, Jinbe, Jewelry Bonney
– Changes Shooter characters to Super Shooter.
– Allows crew’s ATK boost to be further increased up to 2 times, further increases crew’s ATK boost by 1.2x (up to 4x)
Super Switch Effect
– Completely removes character’s Despair
– Changes character’s slot and adjacent slots (including [BLOCK] slots) to [BOMB]
– Extends the duration of crew’s ATK boosts and lock chain multiplier effect by 1 turn
– Applies -30% STR and DEX Resistance to all enemies for 1 turn
– Becomes “Usopp & Dr. Vegapunk “Lilith the Evil”” for 3 turns
Switch Effect
– Completely removes character’s Despair
– Changes character’s slot and adjacent slots (including [BLOCK] slots) to [BOMB]
– Applies -15% STR and DEX Resistance to all enemies for 1 turn
Rumble Special (Lv.10) CT:20
– Targets 3 enemies for DEF Down Lv.6 (20 s), Special CT 20% delay
– If 6 or more Shooter/Cerebral characters are on the team, targets 1 enemy with high Special CT for 100% chance of Action Bind (15 s)
Rumble Super Special(Level Limit Break Lv.5)
– Activation Requirement: After getting hit by enemy’s Rumble Special 3 times.
– Targets 3 enemies for DEF Down Lv.8 (30 s), Special CT 30% delay
– If 6 or more Shooter/Cerebral characters are on the team, targets 2 enemies with high Special CT for 100% chance of Action Bind (15 s)
Rumble Ability (Lv.5)
– Shooter/Cerebral class teammates ATK Up Lv.6, SPD Up Lv.6
– First 40 s of battle, all enemies Special CT Speed Down Lv.5
– If 6 or more Shooter/Cerebral characters are on the team, all enemies DEF Down Lv.5
GP Burst (Lv.5)
– Targets all enemies for 1,000 damage.
GP Leader (Lv.5)
– Crew ATK Up Lv.3, HP, SPD Up Lv.3.
Nami & Sanji – Confronting the Peak of Science

Key Points!
Can activate Super Switch Effect and change Fighter characters to Super Fighter. This Super Class can be activated even as a crewmate.
Captain Ability provides different boost effects depending on who is set as Captain at the start of the quest.
[DEX] & [QCK] / Fighter & Cerebral
Lightning and Flame Combination Attack
– Applies Paralysis (60% chance not to reduce action turns) to all enemies for 2 turns ignoring immunity to all status effects
– Changes left column slots (including [BLOCK] slots) to [TND] and right column slots (including [BLOCK] slots) to [RCV]
– Reduces the drastically reduced damage effect above a certain level on all enemies by 7 turns.
– If crew has slot effect boost and additive chain multiplier boost (except multiplicative boosts) at the same time when Special is launched, applies increase damage taken status to all enemies by 2.25x for 1 turn ignoring immunity to status effects
– If crew has slot effect boost when Special is launched, boosts the chain multiplier by +2.0 for 3 turns
– Then after that, boosts DEX, QCK, Fighter, and Cerebral characters’ slot effects by 2.75x for 3 turns
– Becomes “Nami & Sanji” for 3 turns
Captain Ability
Fierce Battle at Labophase Building A Third Floor
– When as Nami, at the start of the quest, activates an effect to boost the slot effect of DEX / QCK type and Fighter / Cerebral class characters by 3x for 5 turns and reduce own switch effect uses by 2.
– When as Sanji, at the start of the quest, activates an effect to boosts the chain multiplier by +2.5 for 5 turns and reduce own switch effect uses by 2.
– *The effects below apply when in Double Character form.
– Boosts DEX, QCK, Fighter, and Cerebral characters’ HP by 1.35x, ATK by approximately 5.75x
– Makes their [DEX][QCK][RCV][TND] slots have matching slot effects
– Tapping on this character with a [RCV][TND][SEMLA][BOMB][S. BOMB] slot will boost the ATK of the next final tap performed by a character by 15% (similar effects can stack, up to 200%; the effect will be spent during the final tap when attacking with all available characters regardless of the type/class requirement of the effect)
Crewmate Ability
– Makes crew’s [TND][RCV] slots have matching slot effects
– Boosts crew’s base stats by 100
Super Class
– Activation Requirement: After Super Switching to Nami & Sanji, and when 3 or more of the following characters are on the crew (can even activate when this character is a crewmate; except as Support Characters; Double Characters counts as 1).
Dr. Vegapunk (Stella), Dr. Vegapunk “Lilith the Evil”, Dr. Vegapunk “Atlas the Violent”, Dr. Vegapunk “Edison the Thinker”, Dr. Vegapunk “Pythagoras the Wise”, Dr. Vegapunk “Shaka the Good”, Monkey D. Luffy, Roronoa Zoro, Usopp, Tony Tony Chopper, Nico Robin, Franky, Brook, Jinbe, Jewelry Bonney
– Changes Fighter characters to Super Fighter.
– Allows crew’s slot effect boost to be further increased up to 2 times, further increases crew’s slot effect boost by 1.2x (up to 4x)
Super Switch Effect
– Applies -30% Fighter and Cerebral Resistance to all enemies for 1 turn
– Reduces crew’s Bind duration by 4 turns
– Extends the duration of crew’s slot effect boosts and additive chain multiplier boost (except multiplicative boosts) by 1 turn
– Becomes “Nami & Sanji” for 3 turns
Switch Effect
– Applies -15% Fighter and Cerebral Resistance to all enemies for 1 turn.
– Reduces crew’s Bind duration by 1 turn.
Rumble Special (Lv.10) CT:29
– Targets self for ATK Up Lv.7 (20 s), DEF Up Lv.7 (20 s), Critical % Up Lv.7 (20 s)
– Targets enemies within large range (horizontal) for ATK x 4 damage
– 80% chance of Paralysis (20 s)
Rumble Super Special(Level Limit Break Lv.5)
– Activation Requirement: After getting hit by enemy’s Rumble Special 2 times.
– Targets teammates within medium range for ATK Up Lv.8 (20 s), DEF Up Lv.8 (20 s), Critical % Up Lv.8 (20 s);
– Targets enemies within large range (horizontal) for ATK x 4.5 damage
– 90% chance of Paralysis (20 s)
Rumble Ability (Lv.5)
– Fighter class teammates HP Up Lv.6, DEF Up Lv.6
– Self ATK Up Lv.5, DEF Up Lv.5
– When dealing damage, up to 3 times self ATK Up Lv.3
– When receiving damage, up to 3 times self DEF Up Lv.3
GP Burst (Lv.5)
– Targets all enemies for 1,000 damage.
GP Leader (Lv.5)
– Crew ATK Up Lv.3, HP, SPD Up Lv.3.
*This content is still under development and is subject to change. Please check in-game after this character has been added.