
モンキー・D・ルフィ 到達する最高地点

■海賊祭必殺技(Lv.10) 必殺CT:32
・力属性と自由タイプの仲間の攻撃アップ Lv.6!(20秒)
・力属性と自由タイプの仲間の防御アップ Lv.6、速度アップ Lv.6、体力アップ Lv.6!
・力属性の仲間の攻撃アップ Lv.3!
・自由タイプの仲間の攻撃アップ Lv.3!
・力・心属性と格闘・自由タイプの仲間の攻撃アップ Lv.6!(30秒)
・力・心属性の仲間の攻撃、体力アップ Lv.6、必殺CTのたまる速度アップ Lv.3!
・格闘・自由タイプの仲間の体力、速度アップ Lv.6、防御アップ Lv.4!
Monkey D. Luffy – Reaching the Pinnacle

Key Points!
He can activate a STR type / Free Spirit class / Fighter class EX Super and Final Tap Sugo Special!
As captain, he can Gear Change based on the Super forms of the crewmates and activate additional Captain Abilities!
[STR] / Fighter & Free Spirit
Fist for the High Seas
– Deals 400x character’s ATK in non-type damage to all enemies (ignoring all defensive effects and DEF)
– Completely removes all enemies’ DEF Up
– Applies “Territory: Fighter class” to the field (boosts crew’s ATK up to 1.5x and reduces damage taken up to 25% based on number of characters matching the territory) for 3 turns
– If the enemy has increased damage taken status or crew’s Auto-Heal status has 10 or more turns remaining when Special is launched, boosts damage dealt to damage taken increased enemies by 3x for 2 turns
– After that, ignores immunity to status effects and applies increase damage taken status to all enemies by up to 3x based on the outcome of the following Action Special for 2 turns:
Captain Ability
Accelerating Trails of the Gears
– Gear changes based on the number of type/class that became Super form through launching Super Type, Super Class or EX Super, and each form provides additional effects to the Captain Ability
▼Normal Form
– Reduces character’s Special charge time by 4 turns at start of quest
– Boosts crew’s ATK by 5.25x, HP by 1.2x
– Makes crew’s [STR][RCV] slots have matching slot effects
▼Gear Two Form [Requirement: 1 Super effect is activated]
– Allows crew to obtain [RCV] slots with PERFECT taps
– Heals 25% of damage received during that battle while moving to the next battle
▼Gear Three Form [Requirement: When there is one Super Type and Super Class each]
– Further increases ATK by 1.05x for characters with type/class that became Super form through launching Super Type, Super Class or EX Super (up to approximately 5.788x for characters with corresponding type and class)
▼Gear Four / Bounceman Form [Requirement: 3 or more Super effects are activated]
– Reduces damage taken by 25%,
– Heals crew by 5,000 HP at end of turn
▼Gear Four / Snakeman Form [Requirement: 3 or more Super effects are activated and there is one or more Super Type and Super Class each]
– Reduces crew’s Paralysis duration by 10 turns
▼Gear Five Form [Requirement: 4 or more Super effects are activated]
– Further increases ATK by 1.1x for characters with type/class that became Super through launching Super Type, Super Class or EX Super (up to approximately 6.987x for characters with corresponding type and class)
– If crew uses a Special to boost ATK, boost chain multiplier (multiplicative), or boost chain multiplier (additive), further increases the effect by +0.25 (stackable with other further raising effects)
– (E.g.) If you EX Super this Luffy and have “STR Type”, “Fighter Class” and “Free Spirit Class” become Super form, he’ll Gear Change to Gear Four / Snakeman
Crewmate Ability
– Boosts crew’s base ATK by 70
– Boosts Fighter characters’ base ATK by 1.1x
– Boosts crew’s base HP by 150
– Makes their [STR][RCV] slots have matching slot effects
Final Tap Sugo Special (Lv.5)
– Activation Requirement: At final battle, when 2 or more of the following characters are on the crew (except as Support Characters; Double Characters counts as 1):
Roronoa Zoro, Nami, Usopp, Sanji, Tony Tony Chopper, Nico Robin, Franky, Brook, Jinbe, Portgas D. Ace, Sabo, Monkey D. Garp, Curly Dadan, Makino, Silvers Rayleigh, Shanks
– Boosts character’s base ATK by +2500 for 1 turn (stacks with effects from Special)
– Further increases all enemies’ increase damage taken effect by +0.5
EX Super
*There was an error in the previously Activation Requirement.
Incorrect Description:When you are at Gear Five form or when 2 or more of the following characters are on the crew (except as Support Characters; Double Characters counts as 1)
Correct Description: When you are at Gear Five form or when 3 or more of the following characters are on the crew (except as Support Characters; Double Characters counts as 1)
– Activation Requirement: When you are at Gear Five form or when 3 or more of the following characters are on the crew (except as Support Characters; Double Characters counts as 1):
Roronoa Zoro, Nami, Usopp, Sanji, Tony Tony Chopper, Nico Robin, Franky, Brook, Jinbe
– Has EX Super for STR Type, Fighter Class and Free Spirit Class!
– Adds 100x character’s ATK in non-type damage on top of tap-timing bonuses for 5 turns
– Applies Weakened status that ignores immunity to all status effects or immunity (excluding certain status effects) to all enemies for 1 turn. (Applies increase damage taken status to all enemies by 1.3x, and the damage further increases by 1.3x if enemy has increased damage taken status. A total of 1.69x when the enemy has increased damage taken status.)
Support Effect (Lv.5)
– Eligible Supports: All characters
– Adds 12% of character’s base stats to supported character’s base stats
Rumble Special (Lv.10) CT:32
– Targets STR-type/Free Spirit class teammates for ATK Up Lv.6 (20 s)
– Targets 3 enemies ignoring DEF for ATK x 2 damage
Rumble Ability (Lv.5)
– STR-type/Free Spirit class teammates DEF Up Lv.6, SPD Up Lv.6; HP Up Lv.6
– STR-type teammates ATK Up Lv.3
– Free Spirit class teammates ATK Up Lv.3
– Revives self up to 2 times at 75% HP
GP Burst (Lv.5)
– Targets STR/PSY-type/Fighter/Free Spirit class teammates for ATK Up Lv.6 (30 s)
targets all enemies ignoring DEF for Leader base ATK x 2.5 damage
targets 3 PSY/INT-type enemies for 6,000 damage
GP Leader (Lv.5)
– STR/PSY-type teammates ATK, HP Up Lv.6, Special CT Speed Up Lv.3
– Fighter/Free Spirit class teammates HP, SPD Up Lv.6, DEF Up Lv.4
*This content is still under development and is subject to change. Please check in-game after this character has been added.