
サボ 聖地で目撃した真実


「窮地救う“火拳” “王手飛車”」
■海賊祭必殺技(Lv.10) 必殺CT:28
・知属性と博識タイプの仲間の攻撃アップ Lv.8(20秒)、必殺CTのたまる速度アップ Lv.5(20秒)、吹き飛ばし発生率アップ Lv.10!(20秒)
・知属性と博識タイプの仲間の攻撃アップ Lv.6、防御アップ Lv.6、速度アップ Lv.6!
・自分にシールド Lv.10!
・バトル開始から40秒間、自分の速度アップ Lv.10、必殺CTのたまる速度アップ Lv.5!
・知属性と博識・格闘・強靭タイプの仲間の攻撃アップ Lv.10(30秒)、必殺CTのたまる速度アップ Lv.10!(30秒)
・知属性の仲間の攻撃、防御、速度アップ Lv.6!
・博識・格闘・強靭タイプの仲間の攻撃、速度アップ Lv.6、必殺CTのたまる速度アップ Lv.3!
Sabo – Witnessed Truth at the Sacred Land

Here’s the Alternating Character’s Illustration!

Key Points!
He can activate an INT type / Cerebral class EX Super and Super Tandem!
His Special can increase the effect against the enemy’s Weakness class!
[INT] / Cerebral & Fighter
Rescuing Fire Fist: Rook Check
– Deals 300x character’s ATK in non-type damage to all enemies (ignoring all defensive effects and DEF)
– Reduces crew’s Special Bind/Burn duration by 10 turns
– Applies “Territory: Cerebral class” to the field (boosts crew’s ATK up to 1.5x and reduces damage taken up to 25% based on number of characters matching the territory) for 3 turns.
– If the crew has advantageous class effect boost or crew’s damage on top of tap-timing bonuses status has 5 or more turns when Special is launched, boosts the chain multiplier by 1.5x for 2 turns (up to 2 chain multiplier increasing effects can be applied)
– After that, boosts Cerebral and Fighter characters’ advantageous class effect by up to 3x based on outcome of the following Action Special for 2 turns:
Captain Ability
Hell Within the Heavens
– If crew is afflicted with 10 or more status effects, boosts INT, Cerebral, and Fighter characters’ ATK by 6.25x (6x otherwise)
– Boosts HP by 1.2x to INT, Cerebral, and Fighter characters!
– Boosts ATK by 4.5x to characters that are not INT, Cerebral, or Fighter!
– Reduces crew’s Despair duration by 10 turns
– Makes crew’s [TND] slots have matching slot effects
– Completely removes character’s Special Bind
– If crew uses a Special to boost the advantageous class effect, extends the duration of the effect by 1 turn
– If the character is a Captain (Friend/Helper Captain does not count) and performs EXCELLENT for the Action Special, the effect of “If crew is afflicted with 10 or more status effects, boosts INT, Cerebral, and Fighter characters’ ATK by 6.25x (6x otherwise)” becomes “Boosts INT, Cerebral, and Fighter characters’ ATK by 6.5x” for 3 turns
Crewmate Ability
– Reduces character’s Special Bind duration by 10 turns
– Makes Cerebral and Fighter characters’ [TND] slots have matching slot effects
– Boosts Fighter characters’ base ATK by 70
– Boosts Cerebral characters’ base ATK by 1.1x
Super Tandem (Lv.5)
– Activation Requirement: When 3 or more of the following characters are on the crew at the final battle (except as Support Characters; Double Characters counts as 1):
Monkey D. Luffy, Portgas D. Ace, Monkey D. Garp, Curly Dadan, Nico Robin, Emporio Ivankov, Belo Betty, Morley, Karasu, Lindbergh, Koala, Hack, Inazuma, Bartholomew Kuma
– Applies ATK Boost (Tandem) of 3x to Cerebral and Fighter characters for 1 turn
– Changes the ATK multiplier of [INT][RCV][TND] and Rainbow slots to 2.5x when slots match (normally 2x when matching), 0.5x when unfavorable, 1.0x otherwise for 1 turn
EX Super
– Activation Requirement: When the crew’s Special has been activated 8 times, or when 2 or more of the following characters are on the crew (except as Support Characters; Double Characters counts as 1):
Monkey D. Luffy, Portgas D. Ace, Monkey D. Garp, Curly Dadan, Emporio Ivankov, Belo Betty, Morley, Karasu, Lindbergh, Koala, Hack, Inazuma, Bartholomew Kuma, Nico Robin
– Changes INT characters to Super INT, and changes Cerebral characters to Super Cerebral
– Can be activated even by crewmates
– Changes crew’s slots (including [BLOCK] slots) to [TND]
– Heals crew by 8,000 HP at end of turn for 10 turns
– Further increases crew’s base ATK boost by 1.5x (up to +4,000 base ATK)
– Doubles Cerebral and Fighter characters’ slot effects for 1 turn (effect can be overwritten with other slot effect boost effects)
Support Effect (Lv.5)
– Eligible Supports:Nico Robin, Emporio Ivankov, Belo Betty, Morley, Karasu, Lindbergh, Koala, Hack, Inazuma, Bartholomew Kuma
– Once per quest, if inflicted with Special Bind status from the enemy, reduces crew’s Special Bind duration by 2 turns at start of crew’s next turn
Rumble Special (Lv.10) CT:28
– Targets INT-type/Cerebral class teammates for ATK Up Lv.8 (20 s), Special CT Speed Up Lv.5 (20 s), Blow Away % Up Lv.10 (20 s)
– Targets 1 high DEF enemy ignoring DEF for ATK x 2.2 damage
– First 40 s of battle, targets 1 teammate (not including self) with high Special CT for 100% chance of Haste
Rumble Ability (Lv.5)
– INT-type/Cerebral class teammates ATK Up Lv.6, DEF Up Lv.6, SPD Up Lv.6
– Self Shield Lv.10
– First 40 s of battle, self SPD Up Lv.10, Special CT Speed Upアップ Lv.5
GP Burst (Lv.5)
– Targets INT-type / Cerebral / Fighter / Powerhouse class teammates for ATK Up Lv.10 (30 s), Special CT Speed Up Lv.10 (30 s)
– Targets 1 high DEF enemy ignoring DEF for Leader base ATK x 3 damage
– Targets INT-type / Cerebral / Fighter / Powerhouse class teammates for Special CT 30% reduction
– Targets teammates with Special CT 100% or more for 100% chance of Haste
GP Leader (Lv.5)
– INT-type teammates ATK, DEF, SPD Up Lv.6
– Cerebral/Fighter/Powerhouse class teammates ATK, SPD Up Lv.6, Special CT Speed Up Lv.3
*This content is still under development and is subject to change. Please check in-game after this character has been added.